I led a class at Eagles’ Haven today. I’ve been a huge fan since I first walked in to the facility in late March 2019.
I was given the opportunity to teach a creative writing workshop. I was really excited about it, as writing is my passion. Clearly.
There were five people at the class. I like that it was so small and intimate. That’s the kind of setting that really works for creative writing.
I gave a few “assignments,” and they wrote and shared. It’s always amazing how the same topic can be viewed, treated and written in so many different ways.
Each participant got to take home the journal they used during the class.
I’ll be back to teach again on 10/18.
If you would like more information on the services Eagles’ Haven provides, or you would like to make a donation to help them continue supporting the MSD community, visit https://www.eagleshaven.org/.